Minggu, 25 November 2012

Sliding Bar With Next/Prev Posts & Social Sharing Buttons For Blogger plus 2 more

Sliding Bar With Next/Prev Posts & Social Sharing Buttons For Blogger plus 2 more

Link to Make Money Online, Social Media, Blogging Tips | BloggingeHow

Sliding Bar With Next/Prev Posts & Social Sharing Buttons For Blogger

Posted: 25 Nov 2012 11:01 AM PST

I am very excited to announce one of the most anticipated widget that is inspired by Thenextweb blog that is equipped with Next, Previous posts buttons with social sharing buttons for posts. The widget also enables advanced scrolling that is that when you move a certain distance from the top of your blog, your widget would start to slide down with the page.

Sliding Bar With Next/Prev Posts & Social Sharing Buttons

You can also see one of the previous posts that enables such sliding: Scrolling AdSense Ad After Moving Down a Certain Distance From Top.

Sliding Bar With Next/Prev Posts & Social Sharing Buttons

Before we move any further, take a look at our previous widgets:

How to add the widget?

Step #1 Go to Edit HTML 

Navigate to your Blogger dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Proceed and backup your template.

Once the backup process is done, hit 'Expand widget template'.

Now look for the following code (Ctrl +F)

<div class='post-header-line-1'>

 Once you have found the code, simply paste the following code beneath it.

<div id='nxtprv'>
<div id='nxtprvbackground'>

<table style='width:725px;'>
<a expr:href='data:olderPageUrl' id='next-article'>
&#8592; Prev Post

<a class='twitter-share-button' data-via='BLoggingeHow' href='https://twitter.com/share'>Tweet</a>
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=&quot;//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js&quot;;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,&quot;script&quot;,&quot;twitter-wjs&quot;);</script>
<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;//www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;send=false&amp;layout=button_count&amp;width=80&amp;show_faces=false&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;font&amp;height=21&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:80px; height:21px;'/>

<div class='g-plusone' data-size='medium' expr:data-href='data:post.url'/>
<su:badge expr:location='data:post.url' layout='1'/>

<span class='st_sharethis_large' displayText='ShareThis'/>

<a expr:href='data:newerPageUrl' id='next-article'>
Next Post &#8594;



#nxtprv {

  position: absolute;


#next-article  {

    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #EF4423;

    border-radius: 2px 2px 2px 2px;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    font-weight: bold;
    height: 2em;
    line-height: 2.125em;
    padding: 0 0.875em;
    text-decoration: none;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    vertical-align: top;

#next-article a:visited{


#nxtprvbackground  {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #D2D2D2;
    border-top: 1px solid #D2D2D2;
    color: #424242;
    margin-bottom: 1em;
    padding: 0.625em 0;

Step #2 Add the Sliding JavaScript

Now save your template and navigate to Layout section of your Blogger blog. Hit 'Add a Gadget' >> HTML/JavaScript.

Now paste the following widget java script with in it.

window.onload = function() {
  function getScrollTop() {
    if (typeof window.pageYOffset !== 'undefined' ) {
      // Most browsers
      return window.pageYOffset;
    var d1 = document.documentElement;
    if (d1.clientHeight) {
      // IE in standards mode
      return d1.scrollTop;
    // IE in quirks mode
    return document.body.scrollTop;
  window.onscroll = function() {
    var box1 = document.getElementById('nxtprv'),
        scroll1 = getScrollTop();
    if (scroll1 <= 500) {
      box1.style.top = "540px";
    else {
      box1.style.top = (scroll1 + 40) + "px";

Now to adjust the following parameters according to your blog's layout:

To adjust the widget's distance from the top of the blog:

scroll1 <= 500
To adjust the distance between the widget and the top when the widget is sliding state:

box1.style.top = "540px";

Note: Always set the scroll1 + 40 value as the difference between the first two values for smoother scrolling. In case its not equal to the difference, the widget would get a little bump before it starts scrolling.

so 540 - 500 = 40 = scroll1 + 40

 Hit save. Thats all!

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Need any help?

need help?

In case you need any help regarding the widget, leave out your queries below guys. It would be a pleasure to clarify the issues. If you liked the widget, DONT FORGET to share the post in your social circles.smile

10 Hilarious Scam Products

Posted: 25 Nov 2012 10:59 AM PST

There are a very few people in the world who are honest and the rest are selfish and mean. When taking about products, there are a plenty of products available in the market that are actually scams and are injurious to health. These products are usually sold to the uneducated or less educated people who don't know any thing about the quality of the product but some times educated people also become a pray to such products.

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10.  Premium Bottled Water

It is a water selling company that sells water at a very high price. When a person check the price this single bottle it is listed to be "$40". The price is as high as it is a luxurious item which one cannot get easily. This water bottle is available all around the world. This means that it is scamming the whole world.

Premium Bottled Water

9.  Canned Oxygen

It is all what its name shows... yes Oxygen!! A can of oxygen is given to you for money because you can't get oxygen easily. That's funny but it is what the product seems to offer. They say that you will be able to do more work with the help of it.

Canned Oxygen

Balance Bands8.  Balance Bands

This is a wrist band available for just "$40". You must be thinking it is too cheap. It is cheap indeed as getting  physical and mental balance at a price of $40 is a great thing. They promise that this thing will solve all of your problems from sleeping problem to aging.

7.  Crystal Music Healing

It is a special kind of music that heel all the sorrows of human heart that what they say. A single CD of it is available for $15 dollars which of course a very small amount for gaining internal happiness.

6.  Xtreme Fuel Treatment

They claim that this fuel burns at a temperature 400 degrees less than the ordinary fuels. But what if you don't want it to burn? It will not burn according to your choice at it burns at room temperature. You will have to place it at a supper cool place to stop it from burning.

5.  HD Vision Wrap-Around Sunglasses

These glasses provide you a clear view of the world. You would never have viewed the world so clear before. It is available in different colors. Don't you think they are trying to say that our real eyes are not good enough to give us a clear view? 

4.  BioDisc

This disc is an excellent device to enhance the taste of fruits and vegetables and make them more energy full. A single piece of this small device is of $560 dollars. They promise you the maximized energy of the food you eat!

3.  Water Activation Filter

They claim that the hydration of body is fully depended on the aliment of the water molecules. They further tell us that the ability of a body to alien these molecules decreases with age and their product helps to alien them.

2.  Wattgate 381 Audio Grade Duplex Receptacle Outlet

This device helps to improve the quality of sound. The say that this device make the flow of electrons constant.

1.  Magnet Slimming Patch

It is a device which provides massage to the belly when fitted in the belly button. It works with magnet and magnetic rays.

5 Most Annoying Trends On Twitter That Smokes Up Your Mind

Posted: 25 Nov 2012 10:43 AM PST

In the busy life of today, we almost have no time to sit and think about ourselves, considering what is beneficial and harmful for ourselves. And this is because of the fact that our aims and ambitions don't let us think about these "impractical" things as these are a source of distraction from our original goals, this is what we think and what is a common trend these days.

Annoying Twitter

But this fact can't be denied that our mind and body does need some sort of entertainment that can revitalize and relax. As consistent working, and just working, isn't really a positive thing for our body. Entertainment has for sure become really easy in the modern world of today. Its every where around you folks!

Before we move on you may like to read:

The best source of entertainment the world enjoys today is the use of social networking websites, particularly Facebook and Twitter. Here people not just interact with people or meet new people. These serve as the best sources to stay updated with the happenings of world along with some games that can pass your time pretty well.

But at times you all might have experienced, that while going through notifications and feeds, one just gets annoyed. This happens with everyone as you might find them lame or unsuitable to become trends and notifications. Well folks, my today's post high lights some of these trends that are really annoying blowing ones mind out, particularly at Twitter!

Most Annoying Trends!

So folks here are some of the most annoying trends that one can find on Twitter. After checking which, one's mind can for sure blow out.

1) The "Justin Bieber" Trends!

All you are pretty much aware with the "Bieber" thing happening. Being a fan for a personality is a good thing. But taking this "fan ship" to the next level, with making trends like #WeLoveYouJustin and #HappyBdayJustin are really annoying. As Twitter is a place where people of every sort are present, with serious and practical people in majority, trends like these are of no use, as nobody there cares, and thus are just a source of annoyance and mental disturbance.

2) The "Weird And Random" Trends!

While just going through your Twitter, you might pass through some random trends, like #changeawordinsongs and #oneletteroffmovienames, which are just pointless and a waste off time. To be more precise, not even worth seeing and mentioning. Getting entertained and providing entertainment is a positive and healthy activity, but these types of trends just annoy you, blowing your mind off.

Before we move on you may like to read:

3) The "Top 10's" Trends!

The most common trends we all go through are the "top list" type of "top 10" type. Keeping people updated with information is a good thing, and should be appreciated. But making and following trends like #10TwitterCrushes and #10PeopleYouTrulyLove, and many more like these, are just nonsense wasting peoples precious time.

4) The "Foreign Language" Trends!

We all admit the fact that we aren't very fluent in foreign languages, as they are our second languages. And it is pretty natural being not a master at them. But we all find a way out while conversing in some. Now, trends regarding foreign languages are again some of the most annoying trends that can easily blow ones mind out. OK we get the fact you are a foreign language fan, but who has the time to think and pay some regard to that?? isn't it the same way folks?

5) The "Celebrity Names" Trends!

Yet another trend that in the end has no purpose and annoys the most are the celebrity names type trends. Talking about and discussing celebrities who do something big and are on media for their achievements is a good thing, but following trends of celebrities just for the sake of gossips and nothing more than that are just of no use but a wastage of time. And thud can easily make one feel "why am i part of such a community, where people don't even how to use a facility??"

So folks these were some of the most annoying trends on Twitter that can easily blow one's mind. Diverting mind towards a question, where do all these people get time to make such things?? In the end like always folks, do update us with your positive feedback.

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