Rabu, 28 November 2012

How To Install Facebook Chat Firefox Integration Plugin plus 1 more

How To Install Facebook Chat Firefox Integration Plugin plus 1 more

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How To Install Facebook Chat Firefox Integration Plugin

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 10:59 AM PST

Facebook integration for Firefox is surely the next big thing around. Using it for a while, i must say that is one of the best and useful Firefox plugins ever made. With Firefox rolling out their new Social API to the developers world, Facebook was first  to act by launching their Facebook plugin for Firefox that shows Pending friend requests, messages, notifications etc.

messenger for firefox

It adds a whole new bar to the browser navigation bar. This very social API by Firefox would for sure boost it up in the Chrome-Firefox race world wide. Internet is divided among the Google Chrome and Firefox breed.

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turn on facebook chat messenger for firefox

Tip: 6 Must Have Firefox Plugins / Addons for Bloggers

How To Install Facebook Firefox Integration?

Navigate to Messenger-for-Firefox and make sure that you have the latest version of Firefox, that is 17. If not, you can download that from: Firefox 17 Download.

Once done, hit 'Turn On' on the above link 'Messenger-for-Firefox'.

turn on facebook chat messenger for firefox

 Once done, it would show up a message as shown below with the final product.

turn on facebook chat messenger for firefox

Your Thoughts?

Amazing huh? Really loving the new Firefox plugin for Facebook messenger. Hope that many new updates would be comings as we go along. Have you installed the plugin yet?

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DONT Panic, But Facebook Is Going to Slow Down!

Posted: 27 Nov 2012 01:24 PM PST

Everything in this world has its particular purpose. And every thing made in this world is made for some purpose. And this fact cannot be covered or denied. As technological development can for sure not cover this fact.

As we all see and observe the rapid development taking place, particularly in IT sector, things have for sure changed a lot. And some of the largest names we know today, The Google, Facebook etc have put in remarkable efforts, particularly in Internet security, to produce and introduce new trends, giving new dimensions to the present IT sector.

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Becoming a big name in such a sector isn't an easy job. As one has to take care of every single possible thing. And the most important thing to be taken under consideration is the customer care and satisfaction. As you are a big name only because of your users and customers. And for sure, maintaining a level is a difficult thing as one has to face a number of issues. My today's post puts a spot light on a very basic issue faced and solved by one of the big names present today, the Facebook!

Facebook Issue And Solution!

Maintaining billions of user accounts isn't an easy job. With such a scenario where you have cyber threats all the time.And thus it wont be wrong saying that the most basic problem Facebook, with all other web sites of the sort, face is the security and privacy of user accounts data, that is a pretty sensitive issue.

Now to solve this important issue, Facebook has been tirelessly working since 2 years changing its whole infrastructure regarding user privacy data, and converting it to more safe HTTPS. This is for sure the most safe and sound way to protect the confidential data of users.

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But this thing is for sure happening at a cost, and the cost Facebook pays is its speed. Surely using HTTPS is the most safe platform but on the other hand it does reduce its running speed, which ultimately does take additional time.

On the use of HTTPS, Facebook admin has showed interest in putting it as a default in every account. But then again the biggest problem that arises is the speed. To solve this issue too, IT professionals are working but this is something that will take place, as you certainly have to loose to gain something good. And HTTPS is for sure the best as far as user privacy security is concerned.

Is Facebook Doing Right Or Wrong??

As far as Facebook's stance on this very particular issue is concerned, they are doing this job very well. As keeping all the factors and things aside, user privacy and data security is one thing which should not be compromised upon. So, this step is pretty much supported and justified.

But, there is a group of people who considers this drop of speed a pretty offensive act and suggest Facebook not to convert to HTTPS. Well for such people, who don't care much about their privacy and data security, Facebook does have them the provision to change their account security settings. But here the fact that should be mentioned is that they will for sure be vulnerable to cyber crime attacks like hacking etc.

So this act of Facebook is supported and a good one. As HTTPS is needed badly because of the fact that most of the users use this through public wifi forums and are vulnerable to hacking attack. This transformation will for sure reduce this and help users. Pretty slow it will be, but for the betterment of users. In the end like always folks, do update us with your positive feedback.

Image credits: www.techcrunch.com

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