Kamis, 22 November 2012

3 Steps To Use HootSuite To Increase Blog's Social Media Traffic plus 3 more

3 Steps To Use HootSuite To Increase Blog's Social Media Traffic plus 3 more

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3 Steps To Use HootSuite To Increase Blog's Social Media Traffic

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 11:01 AM PST

Apart from search engine traffic, social media is a great way to mark out your alternative traffic sources. With Google being upfront in releasing their Algorithm updates and effecting web's traffic, its extremely crucial to find an alternative traffic source for your blog.


One cant really his total business upon search engine traffic. By doing that, you're totally exposed to those Google Panda style updates that could totally throw you out of the game. Though we'll cover that part in another post by exposing how these Algo updates effected our blog's traffic.

For today, lets us get into a great social media tool, HootSuite that lets users schedule their posts on social media (We mostly use it for Facebook and Twitter). By that way, you don't have to manually publish (post) updates on your Facebook page to drive traffic to your blog.

Lets get right into the tool its self and examine some of its vital features.

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hootsuite sign in

Step #1 Create an Account

Signup for free and you would be taken into its Dashboard that is filled up with full of features. The scheduling feature is Free though you have to manually schedule every single post.

Bundle scheduling is part of the premium features of the tool.

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Step #2 Adding a Stream

Once you're logged in, you would get to see a window as shown in the picture below. You would then have to create your Streams, i.e to add your Twitter of Facebook etc accounts.

Hit 'Add a stream' and choose among the social profiles you wish to add as a part of your traffic campaign. Notice how we've added Twitter and Facebook in the tabs.

adding a stream

 Step #3 Playing with Scheduling Options

Choose 'Publisher' mode from the left sidebar of the Dashboard. Once done, hit 'Compose message' section as shown below.

 Once you have added your description and the post link, you can either choose between 'Auto-Scheduling' or manual scheduling.

Tip: Google Analytics: Monitor Your 'Visitors Flow' To Increase Traffic

Auto Vs Manual Scheduling

Auto scheduling that is one of the latest features introduced by HootSuite, choose optimum timings for your post to get shared on Social networks that you previous set up in your streams. These optimum timings would normally be 1-2 hours in gap. So in case you publish 10 posts, Hoot Suite would pass those on to Facebook (or what ever social profile you have set up) with 1-2 hours gap.

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What's Wrong About That?

Though these 'optimum' timings can be pretty useful in terms of finding just the right time to bring in the most traffic (that is when maximum people are online on these social networks) though it can be damaging for your social fan count too.

We experimented with these auto scheduling features and as it started sending in post updates with high frequency, we started loosing followers as Hootsuite might felt spamy to them.

Once your post are scheduled, they would look something like as shown in the picture below.

scheduling Hootsuite posts

That was it. Once you do that daily, you would definitely feel a difference in your social media traffic. Though for a considerable social media traffic, you must have a decent following there as not all the people would click on your posts that are shared.

You can read out few of these tips below to increase your social media fan base:

Top 10 City Skylines (Wonders!)

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 10:59 AM PST

The skyline of a city is the most prominent thing that attracts most of the people. People are greatly attracted to it. The view of a city is very important for his popularity around the world. The city having a beautiful view attracts people easily.

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Here are the Top 10 City Skylines (Wonders!)

10. Seattle, USA

Seattle is a very advanced city of USA. It has mountains and water at its sides. There are 4 buildings over 200m and a tower. The city is commonly known as Emerald City. The map of the city is fabulous. It provides a great view for taking pictures.

Seattle, USA

9. Shenzhen, China

The city is very crowded and has 20 building crossing the height of 200 meters. The seems fully lighted after the sunset and it gives a wonderful view. The city is still developing.

Shenzhen, China

8. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The city is not densely, still it provides an eye catching view to the viewer. It has a total of 10 buildings that cross the height of 200 meters and three of them are included in the 25 most tall buildings of the world.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

7. Toronto, Canada

This city is the union point of many cultures. It has CN tower that is 553 meters tall and other than that there are 7 buildings over 200 meters. The CN tower is the most highted tower of the world. It has some districts that are included in the most densely populated districts of the world.

Toronto, Canada

6. Tokyo, Japan

It is the most densely populated city of the world and it is known as the capital of the eastern world. It has 18 buildings that are over the height of 200 meters. The red lights look cool with the tall buildings.

It is one of the best planned cities of the world. There is a height restriction for the buildings i.e. they cann't be over 280 meters height. It has 3 buildings that are of 280 meters and 6 other buildings are over 200 meters. All the buildings are lighted at night.

Singapore, Singapore

4. Shanghai, China

It is one of the most advanced cities of the world. The city has 28 buildings over the height of 200 meters while 2 buildings are even crossing 400 meters.

Shanghai, China

3. New York City, USA

The skyline of New York is easily recognizable. It is one of the most densely crowded cities of the world. The buildings seem congested which makes it look cool. It has 28 buildings that have the height more than 200 meters. New York is a very advanced city of USA.

New York City, USA

2. Chicago, USA

Chicago gives a great view especially at night. It is a glorious city and is very advanced in technology as well. It has 20 buildings crossing 200 meters while 3 of these are included in the list of the 20 most tall buildings of the world.

Chicago, USA

1. Hong Kong, China

It is the most fabulous city of the world and has 43 buildings over the height of 200 meters and 30 of these were build in the 21st century. It has 4 buildings that are in the list of the 17 tallest buildings of the world. The view it provides is unbelievable.

Hong Kong, China

Top 10 Richest People On Earth

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 10:49 AM PST

The stories of success always swift a current of motivation for the souls around. The world is mostly inspired by the Internationally recognized revolutionists who leave an influential trail for people to follow. Some are obsessed with the sporting celebrities while others will follow their national heores.There also exists a vast majority who is eager to learn about the success stories of the wealthiest people in the world.

For about over twenty-six years, Forbes, an international business magazine has been following the lives of the richest people who live on this planet. According to this magazine, there are 1226 billionares worldwide, with a total net worth amounting $4.6 trillion. The combined net worth of these 1226 billionares suprasses the combine GDPs of the 127 poorest countries in the world. 

Lets list down the top 10 richest people, out of these 1226 billionares in the world today.

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1) Carlos Slim Halu

Carlos Slim Halu

Although the list of richest people keeps on switching rapidly, on the contrary, this man, Carlos Slim Halu at 71 years of age, has been consistently on the top since 2010. He is a Mexican business inventor, philanthorpist and a current chairman of the largest telecommunication company known as Telmex. He assets worth of $6.9 billion.

2) Bill Gates

Bill Gates

Probably the most famous in the list due to his contribution in the global computer-software industry, Bill Gates, the U.S citizen, is the founder of Microsoft. His net worth accounts for a total of $66 billion. He is the wealthiest American and has topped the list of richest people on earth for more then a decade before he was over taken by Carlos Slim Halu. He is currently 56 years old.

3) Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet is an American citizen who is considered to be the most successful investor of the 20th century. At the age of 82, he is the he oldest person in the list of ten richest people on earth. His net worth is $46 billion. He is known as the "Wizard of Omaha" for his personal frugality despite of the immense materialistic wealth that he possess.

4) Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison is the shief executive at Oracle which is one of the leading enterprise software company. At the age of 68, his assets are about $42 billion. Majority of his fortue comes from the 22.5 % stake in Oracle share.

5) Bernard Arnault

Bernard Arnault

Bernard Arnault is a French business man and an art collector. He is currently the richest person in Europe with net worth of $41 billion. Back in 2011 , the Forbes International magazine also nominated him as the "Fashion person of 2011".

6) Amancio Ortego

Amancio Ortego

At 72 years of age, he is Spain's richest man with assets of $37.5 billion which puts him at rank six in the list of world's richest people. He is a Spanish fashion executive and the founding chairman of the Spanish clothing merchandising company.

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7)  Charles Koch (Tie)

Charles Koch

Charles Koch is an American business man and philanthropist who has a partnership in the second largest privately held company by revenue in United States known as Koch Industries Inc. He is 76 years old and has assets of $31 billion.

7) David Koch (Tie)

David Koch

David Koch, a checmical engineer by proffession shares the number seven rank in the list with his elder brother Charles Koch. He is the co-owner of the Koch Industries Inc. He is the second richest resident in the New York City and possess assets worth $31 billion. 

9) Eike Batista

Eike Batista

He is the only Brazillian to make this list. He is the chairman of Brazillian conglomerate EBX group which deals in mining and gas exploration. He has 55 years of age and assets of $30 billion.

10) Christy Walton & Family

Christy Walton

Christy Walton inherited the fortune of his husband's father, worth $15.7 billion, after her husband died. Accoding to the magazine of Forbes , she was the richest woman on earth for seven cinsecutive years until she was taken over by Gina Rinehart. Currently she has assets worth $27.9 billion, majority of which come from Wal-Mart, which was founded by her father in law.

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5 Steps to Delete Your Google+ Account Permanently!

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 09:41 AM PST

If we look at the number of services we have today, due to the development of technology particularly the Internet and its related sector, we are available with endless options. Internet has for sure compressed whole world onto one single forum, where we can interact and stay connected really easily.

The most trendy thing nowadays on the Internet is the use of social networking websites or to be more precise, staying in touch and interacting with people through social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. And these websites have now become more than just being a source of entertainment, as these provide the best platform for people to boost their customer number of their respective businesses.

As we all are pretty familiar with the name Google, the biggest search engine in the world, it too has made an attempt to introduce its social networking forum by the name Google+, as you all are much familiar by the name. It is gaining immense popularity and in the very near future, it will surely become next Facebook for the next generation.

Before we move on you may like to read:

Staying connected to people and being a part of these websites is a really beneficiary thing, as we get to interact with people having different schools of thoughts. It surely is the best way to stay updated. But what if you no longer want to be a part of the web site family and just want delete your profile and your account?? Well folks my today's post will provide with guidance on how to delete your account permanently, particularly on Google+!

Delete Your Google+ Account Permanently!

So folks below are some easy steps following which you can easily delete your Google+ account permanently once and for all.

Step # 1:

Log into your Google+ account by simply going to Google Accounts and by putting in your correct particulars enter into your account.

Step # 2:

After logging into your account, click on the "Google Profile" and then "Account Settings". This will make your account setting visible so that you can change them according to your will.

Step # 3:

On your left, there will be a window panel present. On that window panel click on "Account Overview".

Before we move on you may like to read:

Step # 4:

After clicking on "Account  Overview", you have to look for "Services" that will be present underneath in the very same window. Underneath it, there will be two options present. One will be if you want to remove all the Google services while second will be if you only want to remove the Google+ services. Click on the option saying "delete profile and ....".

Step # 5:

After clicking on that options, you will be provided with two check marks again giving you the option of either to delete only the Google+ account or to delete all of the Google services you are using. Click on the check mark saying "delete Google+ content" and click on "remove selected services" present at the bottom. You account is successfully deleted!

So folks these were some easy steps following which you can easily delete your Google+ account permanently. Here i must mention this fact that take extra care while performing this activity as once account deleted, it can never be recovered back. Do keep us updated with your positive feedback.

Image Credits: www.softglad.com

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