Jumat, 23 November 2012

10 Worst Sports Teams Ever plus 2 more

10 Worst Sports Teams Ever plus 2 more

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10 Worst Sports Teams Ever

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 10:59 AM PST

People who love sports know the feeling when their favorite team wins or loses. The happiness of such people have no match when they face the victory but they become depressed when they have to face the defeat. Still winning or losing is a part of every game.


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10.  2003 Detroit Tigers

Detroit Tigers were not new when they had the match of 43-119 in the year of 2003. It came on number 2 in the list of the worst basketball teams at that time.

2003 Detroit Tigers

9.  1962 New York Mets

This was a wonderful team a few years back but not it is on the ninth number in the list of worst teams. It set a record to lose for the most times.

1962 New York Mets

8.  1993 San Jose Sharks

It is on the top of the list for losing the most times in a single session. They gave a series of bad performances to reach this position.
1993 San Jose Sharks

7.  1998 Denver Nuggets

They played a match 11-71 and they tied the record of longest line of losing. They lost 23 game in a line. They scored 89 points in a match while their opponents scored 101.
1998 Denver Nuggets

6.  1973 Philadelphia 76ers

They have the winning percentage of 0.110. Their bad performance made them stand out in the list of worst teams.

1973 Philadelphia 76ers

5.  1975 Washington Capitals

They won only one game out of 40 in a session in NHL. They lost 17 games in a line. They had the average of 5.5 goals per game.

1975 Washington Capitals

4.  1960 Dallas Cowboys

They made a long journey to reach the top but gradually they started losing their position. Now they are 4th on the list of worst teams. They have the record of losing the matches with a great margin.

They lost 12 games of NHL in a line and these were the first 12 games of the 2nd session.

1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers

2.  2008 Detroit Lions

They have a long list of losing many matches in a line. They are  for the session in which they lost 16 matches and won none in 2008.

2008 Detroit Lions

1.  1899 Cleveland Spiders

It is the worst team in the history of basketball. It has a record bad performance line. On the average they had 145 fans per game. They have the most dreadful record i.e. they lost 101 matches in a line. Of course this record is impossible to break as it requires a lot of skills to be that bad.

1899 Cleveland Spiders

10 Most Happiest Countries Of All time!

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 10:49 AM PST

The world we live in, seems like a cloud of gloom with some kind of cynic and undesirable activites always going around at any corner of the globe. Satisfaction has become expensive and a mass population in the world is somehow pushed in the chasm of sadness due to numerous reasons. Some countries have a wrath of constant war situation upon them, while others are subject to severe economy crises.

In such critical conditions, the International business magazine, Forbes, has listed down the top ten happiest countries of all time. Lets have a deeper look into this list today.

Before we move on, you may like to read:

10) United States of America


The American government pays the highest capita on health care in the world and hence vast majority of the American citizens are satisfied with their health. It is a country with top rank beaurocrats who contribute an annual income of $90 billion, which keeps the country away from any form of economical or financial crises.

9) Netherland

The happy Nethetland

The rights of personal freedom are highly valued in Netherland. Around 88 % of the citizens are free to choose the way they want to mould their lives and their decision is supported by the Dutch government aswell as the fellow citizens which reflect a bond of unity.

8) Switzerland


Switzerland is counted as one of the most beautiful places in the world to visit. There exists negligible corruption in the country which makes the citizens trust in the goevernment more stronger, eliminating any form of hatred. There is a great scope of education in the country with non performing loans as low as 0.5 %. 

7) Canada


Canada is a homeland of personal freedom. The social capital is very high in country and the corruption is again negligible. The immigrants are welcomed. The population of Canada is socially very active. They never abstain from giving a hand to their fellow citizens which maitains harmony and peace in the country.

Before we move on, you like to read:

6) Sweden


Sweden is ranked at number two for the enterpreneurship and opputunities. One of the most suitable places to start and develop a good business as the innitial investment is quite low as compared to the high rate of R&D spending. Civil liberties and rights are also respected in Sweden.

5) Newzealand


The programme of International Student Assessment ranks the Newzealand's education as the 7th best in the world where as in civil liberties the country ranks at the numern one spot. Acording to a survey, 94% of the Newzealand citizens find the beauty of the physical enviroment around them as a source of internal satisfaction and harmony.

4) Australia


Australia is beautiful country with excellent of education and a strong personal freedom. The economy of the country is strong as a consequence of large raw material exports. The country is also a great place for intitiating any business activites. The Australians have a firm trust on theit governement due to a constant support from it.

3) Finland


The Finland has a strong and stable economy on the account of high level of education, great care of health issues, plentiful personal freedom, high R&D and low startup business costs. The citizens are satisfied with their goevernment and show a support of trust to them, which in return is responded well.

2) Denmark


Denmark is among the few countries who provide excellent of standards of living which keep the citizens happy and satisfied. There are unrestricted personal freedoms granted in the country and has extremely low business start up costs making it another business friendly place.

1) Norway


Ranked at number 8 for the highest GDP per capita which accounts for a sum of $53,000 an year, Norway has the most happy people in the world. About 94% of the Norwegian population has shown a support and trust for their fellow citizens. They are satisfied with the physical enviroment which is clean and mostly polllution free. People  in Norway are also satisfied with their health conditions as it has second highest spendings on health, following the U.S.

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How To Remove Your Google Search History??

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 10:39 AM PST

As I have mentioned this fact in a number of my previous posts, that the world we live in is a much compressed one. Technology and its never ending development has made this world so small that nothing is far or inaccessible from us.
Due to this rapid progress in technology, we have a number of options. And everything is made much easy. Now, if i take knowledge and information as an example, we now have huge search engines and on line encyclopedias which serve us as an excellent source of knowledge and information we wish to have.
Remove Google Search History

Google, as you all are very much familiar with this name, is the world's largest search engine. It gives solution to every possible problem you have. From information to tutorials and daily in use software downloads, it is by far the best thing that appears to be on Internet!

Before we move on you may like to read:

Apart from its never ending benefits and features, the feature which i would be high lighting and putting into spot light today is its search history. Google easily stores your search history so that if you want to visit the visited page again, you can easily find it and access it. But what if you wish to clear your search history or delete anything from your search history, what to do in such a scenario?? My today's post will provide you a guideline on how to clear your search history, on Google in particular!

Clearing Your Google Search History!


Well folks, below mentioned are some easy steps following which you can easily delete your Google search history.

Step 1:

Go to Google Search History. Here you will need to log into your account by putting in your respective particulars. Logging into account wont be needed if you are already logged into your account. After logging in you can see your search history.

Before we move on you may like to read:

Step 2:

Now here you will be provided with all the details of the search history. You can pause it by clicking on "pause" button present. If you want to clear the entire history, then simply click on the "remove all web history" button. And for selective clearance, simple click the check marks and then click on the "remove" button.

Step 3:

Apart from this, your search history details are also present in calender in a sorted form, present on the top right side of your history page. You can simply see the details of a respective day by clicking on it on the calender and then removing the desired history by repeating the very same method stated in step 2. Your search history is successfully cleared folks!

So these were some simple steps following which you can easily get rid your search history, particularly for Google. Here one fact is important folks that the web history would only be stored and viewed while you are logged into your Google account. Do apply these and update us with your precious positive feedback.

Image Credits: www.softglad.com

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