Selasa, 20 November 2012

10 Most Epic Hotels Around The World! plus 1 more

10 Most Epic Hotels Around The World! plus 1 more

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10 Most Epic Hotels Around The World!

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 10:59 AM PST

When you are not at your place and are somewhere else for the sake of visiting or any other purpose, you have to live at a hotel. You only need the hotel for living but you want much more. You want them to provide you services like room service, good breakfast and some other things that you need everyday. You don't pay them for just living in their hotel rather you pay them for all such services.


Some of the hotels are very different from the others. Their distinguished features compel the people to take interest in them. There are some hotels that get the attention of a person very easily. All of them have different causes of getting this attention from the people. 10 Most Epic Hotels Around The World are given below:-

Dog Bark Park Inn 10. Dog Bark Park Inn

This entire hotel is shaped like a dog. Its owners are two artists who make wooden things. They have gathered money for making this hotel by selling their wooden goods. Not only the shape of the hotel is like a dog rather each and every thing in the hotel is following the dog theme. For the sake of some extra income the artists sell their goods at the gift shop of the hotel.
When a person enters the hotel he has to enter it through the stairs which are at the dog's back.

Safari Land Farm and Guest House9.  Safari Land Farm and Guest House

This hotel is located in India and it offers a very natural environment. You have to sleep in a tree house and this tree house is pretty cool. Usually when people build a tree house they build it in their backyard but this tree house is located in the middle of the jungle. Thus it provides a completely natural environment.

Capsule Hotels8.  Capsule Hotels

It is located in  Netherlands. It is a very different sort of hotel. It is build by oil rig survival pods. The rooms of the costumers are like big pots that can go in water and can be placed on the ground as well.

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7.  Drain Pipe Hotel

The rooms of the hotel are like big soda bottles. But they don't roll because of their heavy weight. They have much luxurious life inside them. They are perfectly balanced so that no problem occurs.

Drain Pipe Hotel

6.  Alcatraz Hotel

The hotel gives the description of a German prison. It is a luxurious hotel with all the modern facilities. The room numbers of the hotel are written with the spray paints due to which it looks like a German prison.

5.  Jumbo Stay

It is hotel like jumbo jet. People who love places love this and like to stay there. The costumers can get the ordinary separate chambers or they can get a luxurious room. The whole hotel is decorated like a jumbo jet.

Jumbo Stay

4.  Osaka Capsule Inn

The hotel gives the image of a factory where people can live. The costumers live in the oven like rooms. They can change the temperature of their room according to their choice. Its factory like look makes it unique and interesting.

 Osaka Capsule Inn

3.  Hotel de Glace

The hotel is located in Canada and it is entirely made of ice. Every thing in it is of ice. Only the bathrooms and the fire place in each room are hot and even the beds are made up of ice. It only provides service from January to March due to weather conditions.

Hotel de Glace

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2.  Hobbit Motel

This hotel with round doors and windows is located in New Zealand and is quite unique in its structure.

Hobbit Motel

1.  Poseidon Undersea Resort

This hotel is located on a private island in Fiji. It is a underwater hotel with all the modern facilities. It is scary for some people to live there while for other it is an adventure  You can see transparent finger nails on the walls of the hotel.

Poseidon Undersea Resort

5 Names That Invested The Most In Tech Industry!

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 10:39 AM PST

None can deny the fact that technology has improved and developed with the passage of time. And this pace is for sure a bit fast then time that past by. If we take a look at the past decade and compare it with the present of today, one can for sure see a wide difference in every possible aspect, starting from technology to gadgets and daily use equipment.

If we make a deep analysis behind the technology development topic, we get to know that it isn't just a small thing that just happens and from which we get benefited ultimately. It is a whole process, and behind this process are a number of factors that surely cant be ignored folks.

From all the factors, one factor that cannot be ignored and which is regarded as the most important and basic one is the investment. Anything isn't possible without a sound investor who provides investment for the completion of any plan made.

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There are a couple of big names that are known as sound investors in the tech industry of the modern world today. My today's post puts a spot light on some of the "big" names that have put their investments in the tech industry, giving it with a platform to rise and develop, ultimately benefiting us in the end.

Top Investors!

So folks here are some of the big investors who have invested their fortunes for good and betterment for the tech industry, giving it a new life.

1) Jim Breyer


The Facebook we know today, along the mind and efforts of Mark Zuckerberg, is also the creation of this man, Jim Breyer. So, if we say that Facebook of today has two fathers, then for sure it wont be wrong to say. Jim invested his $12.7 million without hesitating into Mark's Facebook, making him the next college dropout billionaire after Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and ultimately opening a new era in networking for us.

2) Marc Andreessen


Marc Andreessen has the second rank in rating by investing in some of the big names known today to the Internet world the Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, Groupon, and Zynga along with  Netscape, Opsware, and Ning. Though the last names weren't so supportive for Marc, but still his experiment with some of the big ones was a success.

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3) Reid Hoffman


When it comes to huge and massive investments, this is the perfect person to quote it in. Reid has made massive investment in some of the biggest names such as Facebook, Zynga, Flickr, Last.FM, MixerLabs and a much more. This list extends to almost 80 companies. When it comes to money making and making some huge business empires, then surely this is the person.

4. David Sze


This name is again one of some of the big names that invested in Facebook. Even before Facebook wasn't launched worldwide and was used by a limited number of people, David was pretty confident that his investment wasn't wasted and his investment would change the world, and did this happen in the form of Facebook. Not only this, he also made remarkable investments in LinkedIn, Pandora, Digg, Seven, Oodle, VUDU, New Edge Networks and a couple of gaming networks.

5) Peter Fenton


A money making man he is. Peter was among some of the people who invested in Twitter in its early days when it had just started. Not only this, he earned almost around $420 million by selling his "SpringSource" to VMWare and "FriendFeed" to Facebook. Apart from this, some of his businesses such as Wily Technology, Coremetrics, JBoss, Reactivity, Xensource, and Zimbra were acquired by some very big names like  CA, IBM, RedHat, Cisco, Citrix, and Yahoo. Pretty interesting folks!

So these were some of the "big" names who deliberately invested their fortunes into the tech industry, giving it a new life. These people are surely called the founders of the modern world technology and the new modernized tech industry of today. Do update us with you positive feedback folks!

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